On a cPanel system with cPHulk, you may run into an error like so:

(XID e22d2d) The “cphulkd” service failed because it cannot find the “/var/run/cphulkd_db.sock” socket.

The subprocess “/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_cphulkd” reported error number 255 when it ended. 

The system could not provide log messages for “cphulkd” because it failed to read all of the potential log files with the following errors: Error while attempting to open “/var/log/secure”: “No such file or directory”, Error while attempting to open “/var/log/maillog”: “No such file or directory”, Error while attempting to open “/var/log/messages”: “No such file or directory”

This typically indicates that the rsyslogd service is not installed and/or not running, which is responsible for maintaining files such as /var/log/secure, /var/log/messages, etc.

# /scripts/restartsrv_rsyslogd
(XID bx88f7) The “rsyslog” service is disabled.

To resolve this, simply install the rsyslog RPM:

# yum install rsyslog

You then need to start the service, and configure it to start on boot:

# systemctl start rsyslog
# systemctl enable rsyslog

You're now all done! The missing log files should now exist, and cPHulk should no longer return an error message about missing files.

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